Tuesday, March 26, 2013

BJP 2013, January and February

I am still beading but really slow at getting anything posted.  For one thing, I can't decide if I should be working on a 3" square or 3" circle, so for now I am doing both.  Perhaps the "three inches" will be my unifying theme rather than the shape.

This piece will become part of my "Lest We Forget" series and is entitled "I'm Fading Away" which was pretty much the last coherent sentence spoken to me by my mother who suffered from Alzheimer's.  It is a tribute to all who suffer from dementia.

This piece is also a part of the "Lest We Forget" series and is entitled "I Spy".    My cat, Maggie, follows me around always keeping an eye on me.  This is to honor all the wonderful pets that enrich our lives.

Hopefully I will have a third piece up in the very near future.


Sabine said...

Both pieces are moving and beautiful at the same time. Great themes, textures and colours.

Lies Koster said...

Very nice Dee! You couldn't express "fade away" in a better way! huisvlijtigliesje.blogspot.com

Cyndi L said...

Dee, your first piece breaks my heart...a very effective and moving tribute.

Jaye said...

Just wonderful!!! Very inspiring! Both of them!

char said...

Very very nice. They are both wonderful. Happy beading.

aprilZ said...

Very special pieces. The cat's eye is almost alive and the fading heart is very poignant.

Carol said...

What a wonderful concept. And so beautifully interpreted!

Marj said...

Great sentiments Dee, your beading is inspiring.